FSV Visitors Center Museum
The Beginning!
FSV Folks members who work at the plant devoted part of their lunch hour to move the few remaining exhibits from the nuclear days back into the old visitors center on July 29, 2005. We planned exhibits about the original historic fort, construction of the nuclear power station, the nuclear days, and decommissioning. Other exhibits are also planned. FSV Folks, in cooperation with Xcel Energy and the Platteville Historical Society, hope to create a museum we will be proud of.
Pictured to the right are Doug Eich and Brandon Reinert lifting the largest reactor vessel model.
<<< Brandon Reinert checks a model of the present plant.
<<< The cutaway model of the original power station is carried in. Pictured (left to right) are: Dave Such, Doug Eich, Joe Pinner, Rodney Frye, Tom Kennedy and Brandon Reinert.
Doug Eich positions the plant cut-away model on its base. >>>
<<< FSV Folks members discuss possibilities. Pictured are Dave Such, Tom Kennedy, Marty Block, Rodney Frye, also Brandon Reinert and Doug Eich in the background.
The outside of the Visitors Center today. Notice how the evergreens have grown! Yes, we know they need to be removed.
The auditorium is used by Xcel Energy and community groups for meetings.
Later in the day, Bill Franek (Mr. Wonderful) and Cindy Pinner pose by the "Arrows to Atoms" sculpture, one of the few items from the original Nuclear Information Center which has not been removed or disturbed.
Bill and Cindy were working on identifying and labeling photos from the old days. Also, working on identifying photos was Stan Koleski, not pictured.
We are always looking for FSV Folks who would like to help with display repair and other work around the visitors center. Please e-mail FSV Folks if you can help.
We started serious work on displays on Saturday 7/30/05. In this photo, Cindy Pinner is detailing one of the reactor vessel models.
Dan Pinner has donated two computers to FSV Folks for use at the museum. He is setting one up to be used for a slide show in the exhibit area. The other computer is set up in the office and he will be programming a museum database for us. Dan runs a small computer repair service in his spare time from his home in Greeley. He has also donated a VHS player, a DVD player and a laser printer!
Here is yours truly, Joe Pinner, cleaning up after several years of uninterupted deer mice parties in the visitors center HVAC room. Nasty job but someone had to do it.
On August 3rd, Joe Pinner welcomed aboard the latest FSV Folks volunteer who has been "rode hard and put away wet" ...but he's all ours, a donation of the Colorado History Museum. We will be using him in a "Radiation Work Permit Area" display. (Please note that all other visitors to our museum must wear pants!)
Tom Kennedy and Joe Pinner work on repairs to the ceiling tiles.
A new logo was designed by Joe Pinner for FSV Folks and the museum.